Friday, November 7, 2008

observations 11/7/08

At first glance the slide seems rather dead with much of the plants losseing their color. The numbers of rotiferas has deceased along with the analides who seem to have disappesared completely. the number of blubs on the plant B seems to have increased and the blubs that had changed color seem to have darkend to a more indigo color. This color change may be a indicator of the death of the plant. Was able to find a Epistylis on the remains of a plant only one but it was still intereseting. The number of astornionella seems to have boomed only these are free floating rather than bunched up in a star formation. Also their are small redish orange diatom colonies that seem to go well with the autumn leafs outside. Their are also a few actinosphaerium floating around. Also was finally able to identafie the my unknown swimming kidney bean friend, and he is known as a seed shrimp. Their may be another seed shrimp swimming around in there but we will have to see.

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