Monday, November 3, 2008

observations from 10/31/08

observations from 10/31/08

The water sample from fountian city park is proveing to be a rather interesting with the addition of Utricularia vulgaris. Two of the blubs have taken on a purpleish color as if dyed with Iodine. Iodine exsposere would have colored more of the bulbs but its only two and their at the very bottom of the slide. Multiple small analids have also been seen possable offspring of the ones seen earlier or they were just hidden in the muck. Two of the new analids have become traped by the blubs of the plant. Identafied a star shaped Diatoms Genus: Asterionella their are two possablie names for the diatom. Been tracking a small kidney bean shaped organism with what appears to be two tinsel flagelum and at least one eye spot. He is rather fast makeing it hard to keep the scope on him will try to get a picture of him soon and others.

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